
cafegirl is a working artist and graduate student with utterly appalling work habits and a very old laptop. This blog is specifically intended for graduate school writing assignments. If you have wandered in from my other blog, please note that I am blogging anonymously. Please remember that my classmates and professors read this - so play nicely. That being said, I DO encourage comments!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

In observance of the day, here is the cover of a 1678 book on pirates and piracy, including the career of Sir Henry Morgan.
We're doing rather a lot on 17th century matters in the Western Civ class and the subject of piracy during this period touches on many of the things we have been discussing, including: nationalism, commerce, colonialism, trade, slavery, exploration, warfare, technology, navigation, egalitarianism and so on.
I'm sorry that I won't be discussing piracy and privateers on this blog but I couldn't let Talk Like A Pirate Day go by, with nary a mention....could I?
(source for the image: )


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