
cafegirl is a working artist and graduate student with utterly appalling work habits and a very old laptop. This blog is specifically intended for graduate school writing assignments. If you have wandered in from my other blog, please note that I am blogging anonymously. Please remember that my classmates and professors read this - so play nicely. That being said, I DO encourage comments!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Welcome, Classmates and Others!

House Rules:

1. If you've wandered in here from my other blog, please note that this particular blog is tied to my graduate studies. My classmates will be reading this. My professor will be reading this. So, no horseplay and no glass containers around the pool.

2. As this blog is available for the public to view, I ask you to refrain from calling me by name.

3. Please do not refer to my other blog or blogger identity while here. Likewise, please refrain from mentioning this blog or identity on my other blog.

4. Play nicely.


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