
cafegirl is a working artist and graduate student with utterly appalling work habits and a very old laptop. This blog is specifically intended for graduate school writing assignments. If you have wandered in from my other blog, please note that I am blogging anonymously. Please remember that my classmates and professors read this - so play nicely. That being said, I DO encourage comments!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I've Selected A Project!

I'm going to be working on ikebana for my term project.

I was having a lot of trouble selecting a topic and then I was kayaking out at the coast last weekend and stopped in at a little antique store where I spotted some vintage kenzan flower holders.


Then, today, I was in this used/antique bookstore that I wander into about every three years, or so. I was looking for a specific book on ikebana. (I really know next to nothing about the subject and someone had recommended a particular book in order for me to get some background.) Well, the shop is a bit of a maze and there is stuff everywhere. Still, I walked right to the book that I was trying to find. It was all the way in the back. Next to the back door. On the bottom shelf.


So, I'm not sure if I picked ikebana or it picked me.


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