
cafegirl is a working artist and graduate student with utterly appalling work habits and a very old laptop. This blog is specifically intended for graduate school writing assignments. If you have wandered in from my other blog, please note that I am blogging anonymously. Please remember that my classmates and professors read this - so play nicely. That being said, I DO encourage comments!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Is Art A Universal Language?

The prompts for this blog:

1. Is Art a universal language?
2. Does our personal lens or cultural viewpoint affect our capacity to truly appreciate another's art?
3.Is a translating process necessary?
4. What are the most basic, globally shared human experiences?

1. Yes and No. Art is a language that all cultures employ but there is great variety in its expression.

2. All experience is subjective so our personal lens cannot help but alter our perception and comprehension of artistic experience.

3. Is translation necessary? Not always. Art can be experienced on many levels. But some things require a greater understanding of the context in order to fully appreciate the content.

4. The most basic, globally experienced human experiences are birth, pain, death, hunger, sex, fear and community.


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